Pull Up a Chair

Patrick and Bobbin Mulvaney, owners of the popular Mulvaney’s B&L restaurant in midtown, have a longstanding policy covering any expansion to a second location. Mostly, it’s Bobbin’s policy.
“Every hostess has standing orders,” she says. “If they see Patrick walk outside with a real estate developer, they are to throw themselves on the windshield until I can get out there and drag [Patrick] out of the car.”
So, the Mulvaney’s won’t be expanding any time soon, but it’s not for lack of opportunity. “Many, many developers are looking for tenants right now,” Patrick says. “Most come in and say, ‘What can we do? What do you want?’”
Around the Sacramento region, the Mulvaney’s attitude is rare. So many other chefs and owners are taking up those offers or have their own plans to expand. 2015 is proving to be a banner year for restaurant expansions, and as Sacramento’s new Golden 1 Arena rises, 2016 will surely continue the trend.
Pull Up a Chair
Originally published by Comstock’s Magazine
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